cm bulletHow long for delivery time?
Orders are shipped according to our current turnaround time displayed on our website by USPS Priority Mail. Orders requiring floral carving or elaborate silver, may take longer. Rush service is available for an additional 10% fee.

cm bulletAre your belts and holsters lined?
Yes, all Frontier Gunleather items are fully leather lined and saddle stitched for long life and premium quality.

cm bulletAren't Your Gunleather products expensive?
All products in all markets are priced according to quality and name brand: Frontier Gunleather is considered the finest in the world and commands top prices. Many items made by Frontier Gunleather are considered collectors’ items.

cm bulletAre your Gunleather products truly "Custom Made"?
Yes, all belts and holsters are made to order for you based on your hip & waist size and the make, model, caliber, and barrel length of your gun.

cm bulletReturn Policy: As our products are custom made according to the specifications given to us by customers and may not be readily resold, we do not accept returns.  If there is an issue with your order (fit, finish, hardware) we will do everything in our power to correct the issue. 

cm bulletDo you specialize in Cowboy gunleather?
Yes, including rifle scabbards, saddle bags and cowboy-gunfighter accessories. We have also introduced many contemporary style holsters for modern handguns.

cm bulletWhat guns do you offer holsters for?
Most single and double action, large caliber revolvers, including Colt, Ruger, S&W, Uberti, Navy Arms, Cimmaron and all Colt look-a-likes. For modern firearms, please contact us in advance of the order to ensure we can make the holster for your gun. Our current list of handguns we accommodate can be found at

cm bulletMay I phone my order in?
Yes, we will accept phone orders (with your check to follow) in most cases this will speed up your delivery by 5-7 days. We also accept Visa/Mastercard.

cm bulletDo you offer a catalog?
Yes, the finest full color catalog in the business. Costs $8 refundable on first order.

cm bulletWhat about my measurements?
Accurate waist and hip size is critical. Do not rely on guess work or your trouser size. Your gunbelt will be made to allow for three holes of adjustment in each direction.